fratting hard and fratting often

Drink Your Fancy Ales by the Flagon

Hello, readers. Today was a rather (un)eventful day for me. I didn’t leave the house, but my brother and I found many various ways to keep ourselves entertained throughout the day. So, overall it was a pretty good day.

Although it is still continuing, we had a marathon of the Lord of the Rings movies. The Return of the King is still going right now, we just started it a little bit ago. I also watched a documentary on HBO today that was very interesting. It was called “Prom Night in Mississippi.”

prom_night.jpgThe documentary told about a small town in Charleston, MS that Morgan Freeman visited to propose an idea to the senior class. For as long as anyone could remember, the high school had 2 segregated proms — a white prom and a black prom. The documentary was shot in 2008, and I could not believe that there were still places in the United States that were still suffering from this kind of racism and segregation.

Morgan Freeman spoke to the senior class and proposed that they hold an integrated prom all together, and if they did he would pay for it. They agreed, and the documentary told of the problems faced by the committee who was put in charge of the prom. It showed interviews from many students and people around the community with varying opinions on the prom. I found it incredibly shocking that this kind of thing was still going on in America and that racism was still so strong in some places.

I also got my first full Call of Duty (or COD as my brother calls it)cod5_21.jpg experience today. I found that I am really pretty bad at it. Also, I learned that it is nothing like Halo which, when I had been playing it regularly, I am fairly good at. It is fun, even though I am so bad, so I think I am going to keep playing it the next 2 weeks while I’m home, even though I’ll be subject to vast ridicule by my little brother.

Hope everyone’s Tuesday was enjoyable. Take care and God bless.


Currently watching: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King


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